Day 9 Last day on farm, 农场的最后一天

Please see the post from Kori

Today is the last day on the farm, but that didn't change our normal morning routine. We had breakfast at 8, which consisted of packaged milk and steamed buns, and left for the farm at 8:30. Yesterday we were told today would consist of no hard labor.... sadly, that was a big, fat lie. We were instructed to move rocks into a crate and fill it to the top. Now, these were no small rocks; wheel barrows were required to move them to the steel crate. Though this work was strenuous, it proved to be a very stress relieving activity. Seeing as though you could throw, break, and slam the rocks as much as you wanted. After this we got into our 3 teams and began to paint the rocks we had prepped the previous day. After about an hour of that, we ate lunch. This day's lunch consisted of noodles with a tomato and pork or rice with vegetables. I choose the noodle option, and it was very good. Afterwards we had a discussion about Donald Trump's decision to leave the Paris Climate agreement and reflect on our farm experience. Also, we voted who was the most helpful, enthusiastic, and hard-working. Next it we had our break. Today it was only 55 minutes, usually it is 2 hours. People played card games, napped, or just listened to music. After the break we continued to paint the rocks and place them in there designated areas. Many of the bottles used to clean the brushes spilled, but over all it was very fun. Next, we made our own pizza!!! The winners of the previous voting activity (and their partners) got to make theirs first, which was fun because usually the adults get to eat first(which is in line with traditional Chinese culture). We also had fries but...they were spilled. At the end if the day we took a tour around the whole farm and looked at everyones signs. As we prepared for our final departure from the farm, Mosquito gave us encouraging words about how we should use what we learned here in the future. That was out final day at the farm!!!!