Creating art in Prague

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Art-Making in Prague's Creative Studios

Authored By:

Courtney Kobos

Creating art in Prague 


Over the course of Week 1 our CIEE Creative Arts Studio group had a wide variety of chances to create. Opportunities have ranged from sketching Prague's skyline from the park, to coin minting, to architectural innovation. Our group brings an impressive range of skill to the table and rose to the challenge of creating using mediums outside of their comfort zones.

Photo for blog post Creating art in Prague

Architectural design at DOX Gallery

The DOX Centre for Contemporary Art has an interesting mix of contemporary art, protest art, and architecture. We began our workshop on Thursday with a fun challenge - blindfolded exploration of the museum! Students were asked to pay attention to how they felt emotionally and used their senses to figure out what type of space they were in.

Photo for blog post Creating art in Prague
Photo for blog post Creating art in Prague
Photo for blog post Creating art in Prague

After trading partners, we returned to our workshop space and began the next phase of the activity - architectural design. Students analyzed photos of museums and spaces around the world that have creatively renovated their buildings for a specific purpose. In small groups, students were asked to do the same. Starting with a basic building structure, they sketched their renovation plans and imagined a whole new purpose for their building. Groups then presented to the cohort and showed off their creative approaches!

Photo for blog post Creating art in Prague

Photo for blog post Creating art in Prague

Sketching in Petřín Gardens

On Friday we ventured across the river to meet up with an art instructor who took us up a very big hill to an overlook in the Petřín Gardens. We recieved two tasks to complete. First, each student selected one tree to sketch using pencil. We lounged in the sun on blankets as we each created our works. Next, we tried our hand at using ink to sketch Prague's skyline as viewed through the park's foliage. 

Photo for blog post Creating art in Prague

Photo for blog post Creating art in Prague
Photo for blog post Creating art in Prague

Spray paint and coin minting in Kutna Hora 

Most recently, the group took a day trip to the small town of Kutna Hora. Kutna Hora, a town of 20,000, is known for the Gothic St. Barbara's cathedral and the Sedlec Ossuary chapel adorned with human skeletons. In addition to touring these famous sites, students also attended a gallery workshop. Check out their spray paint designs and coin minting below! 

Photo for blog post Creating art in Prague

Photo for blog post Creating art in Prague

During week 2, we will shift our focus from painting to graphic art. We look forward to another week of friendship, new artistic challenges, and continuing to explore all Prague has to offer.