Community Dining and Museums

Programs for this blog post

Taking Climate Action

Authored By:

Augustina Munter

This week we visited the Danish Design Museum, had a community dinner, and celebrated a student's birthday!

On Tuesday students had some free time to swim at Islands Brygge, a popular swimming spot in Copenhagen and were able to swim in a canal, a very Danish summer activity. 

The highlight of the week was eating dinner at Folkehuset Absalon, (The People's House Absalon) which is a community space in an old church. Absalon hosts 100+ events per week like bingo, dances, meals, yoga, talks, etc and hosts fællesspisning (communal dining) meals, where everyone eats together, regardless of who you came with. We had homemade vegetables in green curry, coconut rice with carrot slaw, and focaccia with chili butter. It was also our student Rachel's 17th birthday, so we sang the Danish birthday song and ate flødeboller, which are marshmallow puffs coated in chocolate and are a quintessential Danish birthday treat. 

Vegetables in green curry with focaccia.