Celebrating Independence Day Abroad

Programs for this blog post

Sports Management

Authored By:

Christopher Johnson

What's more American that a cookout on the Fourth of July?

Although far from home, CIEE's Global Navigators celebrated Independence Day with a festive cookout at aparto Pallars, their Catalonian home. On the evening of July 4th, we embraced the American spirit with charcoal grilled hamburgers, hot dogs, and fresh watermelon. Reflecting America's rich diversity and its melting pot of cultures, CIEE students and program leaders extended a warm invitation to students from other programs. who are also temporary calling Barcelona home. This inclusive gathering fostered a sense of community and camaraderie, as we bonded over our shared experiences of studying in Barcelona. The celebration was a beautiful blend of American traditions and international friendships, making it both meaningful and memorable. Like any other gathering of these sports enthusiasts, we couldn't let an empty court go to waste, and the students played soccer/futbol while others cheered them on. 

As our program draws to a close, the 4th of July celebration served as a perfect opportunity for us to come together and honor America. This gathering was more than just a festivity; it was a chance to reflect on our shared journey and the friendships we have forged along the way.

While there truly is no place like home, the memories we have created during our time in Barcelona will be cherished for a lifetime. From exploring the vibrant streets of this beautiful city to immersing ourselves in its rich culture, each moment has been an unforgettable chapter in our lives. Our Independence Day celebration was a fitting tribute to the spirit of unity and community that we have experienced throughout our stay, leaving us with lasting memories and a deep sense of gratitude for this incredible experience.


