Bienvenue à PARIS!
Salut tout le monde!
This is PL Bridgette here ready to update you on the start of session 2 in Paris! Everyone has bien arrivé, orientation is finished and the first days of classes have begun. We are well underway!
The first day everyone was exhausted, as expected after a long day of travelling! Students were happy to meet their host families and get a good night sleep. The next day they were ready for their first day of class and our first activites together. For our first few days of activities, we have practiced taking the metro all together, as well as taking a scenic boat ride on the Seine river, and a scavenger hunt in the Place des Vosges.

Students are also lucky to be in France during the Coupe du Monde. On Tuesday, France beat Belgium to advance to the finals on Sunday, where they will face Croatia. As you can imagine, everyone was in the street celebrating. Sunday is going to be quite the experience, allez les bleus!

Saturday is also Bastille Day, France's day of independance. There will be fireworks, parades, and a lot of celebrating in the street! Our students are in for quite a fun and prideful French weekend.

Au revoir!
PL Bridgette
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