And That's the Ball Game!

Programs for this blog post

Sports Management

Authored By:

Christopher Johnson

We did it. Twenty-two students became Global Navigators and made Barcelona their home for the past three weeks. You have read about some of their adventures through blog posts, but that does not even scratch the surface of the students' experience. The program would not be possible without the amazing CIEE Barcelona staff: Marta, Calum, Elena, and their instructor Gerard. There were countless others who supported the program and the students.

Today, we watched the final presentations from the 22 Global Navigators. We learned about marketing, sponsorship deals, club formation, investment, charity fundraising, and club development. There was great conversation among the classmates - connecting what they learned from their individual projects and making connections with their shared cultural experience. As we left the "Apartos" early this morning, students took a few moments to say goodbye, hug, and maybe shed a tear or two. 

Finally, thank you to the amazing students. You impressed me more each day with your enthusiasm, knowledge and ingenuity. Allison, Borja, Cameron, Cecilia, Cullen, Daniel, Diego, Dillan, Emiliano, Emma, James, Javier, John, Kayla, Kiana, Langston, Lucy, Noah, Rehaan, Ryan, Tess and Tristan - Thank you! I learned so much from each of you and wish you well as you finish school and move on to your next academic or professional endeavor. 

It has been a pleasure. ¡Hasta luego!