Adventures in Valencia!

Programs for this blog post

Honors Spanish Language & Culture

Authored By:

Megan Smith

After several weeks exploring the history and culture of Madrid, it was time for the participants in honors to go on a new adventure in the beautiful city of Valencia! 

While in Valencia, the group had the opportunity to enjoy a walking tour and learn about some of the unique and interesting pieces of Valencian history, to enjoy the beach, eat authentic, Valencian paella and venture out to two museums that are vitally important parts of the city - The Fallero Museum and the City of Arts and Sciences.

The Fallero Museum enchanted the group with the history and examples of the incredible artistry and history of the most beloved and traditional festival in Valencia. The group was able to admire numerous sculptures that have been part of the festival over the past hundred plus years and get a glimpse into the deep cultural themes and expressions of Spain over the decades. 

The City of Arts and Sciences is one of the most iconic sights in Valencia and the group had the opportunity to explore the impressive complex that covers over two kilometers and features the Hemisferic, the Science Museum and the Oceanografic. It was a spectacular way to wrap up an eventful and exciting weekend!