Temple Stay at Hwagyesa
One of the Seoulmate’s activities that they had planned for us was a temple stay. We went to Hwagyesa Temple for the stay, though I’m not sure you’d really call it a temple stay because we were only there for a few hours unlike the usual overnight stay. It was still really fun learning about the temple life style! There was a lot going on at the temple because Buddha’s birthday was the next day.
We first went to the main building and up to a one of the rooms where we met one of helpers around the temple. She was very nice and explained to us about the temple before showing us video on temple stays and what to do and not to do while staying at the temple. After giving us our vests and sun hats we went out to go on a tour of the temple grounds.
The monk took us to see the bronze bell in one of the pavilions. She explained to us the use of the bell and the drum that were in the pavilion and all the different symbols and meanings to everything that were around the instruments. There were four different signs hanging down one in each corner.
She then showed us pots that held spices and garden saying that all the food provided in the temple was made there. We walked around to another building where chanting could be heard from inside. We walked around a few more buildings as the monk explained bits of what they were used for.
We then headed back to the main hall to have lunch before our next activity, making paper lotus flowers.
This was probably one of my favorite parts of the stay. There were a lot of different colored paper to choose from and beautiful examples, so we could get ideas for what colors to choose. After making our lanterns we had tea and snacks while one of the monks answered questions and told us stories.
She brought out a wooden block, a moktak, that is used for ceremonies and prayers. After showing us how to use it she let us come up and try. She then brought out a flat wooden stick that is used to wake those up who fall asleep or lose concentration during mediations. It was funny when she asked if anyone would like to get hit with it (it doesn’t actually hurt, it depends on how hard the user hits). There were a few who volunteered, and the monk went around to show us how to use it properly without hurting anyone.
After tea we were given paper to write down wishes and went outside to tie them to a post for Buddha to answer. Once we tied our wishes to the rope it was time to leave.
It was a great experience to learn more about Buddhism!
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