Seeing the Cherry Blossoms: A Must Do
A bonus to going to Seoul for the spring semester is that you can go see the cherry blossoms!
CIEE’s Seoul Mates planned a trip to go see the cherry blossoms at Seoul Forest where we would play games and have lunch together. It was a wonderful trip even when it started raining!
When we got to Seoul Forest, it wasn’t very crowd, there was a group of children playing games on one side of the field we were having our picnic. It was fun watching them play and seeing all the dogs walking by too. There were also cats in the area too and there was small area almost like a shelter area for the cats where they could go when the weather was bad which I thought was really sweet!
After we finished eating we played some games first before heading over to the cherry blossoms. We played four different games: jump rope, 수건 돌리기(like duck, duck, goose but with a towel instead of tapping someone), 무궁화 꽃 이 피었 습니다 (pretty much red light, green light), and charades. All were very fun games, everyone had an amazing time playing together!
Once we finished with playing the games we all gathered back together to go see the cherry blossoms. Sadly, it had started raining but that didn’t stop us! And it wasn’t like a downpour; just a drizzle that came and went.
I was really excited since it was my first time seeing cherry blossoms and was not disappointed! They were so pretty, and the grey clouds made the pink petals pop.
The area where we were viewing the cherry blossoms wasn’t very busy, the only spot that got a little crowded was the bridge because it was great area to take pictures with the cherry blossoms up close.
There are many places to see the cherry blossoms if you don’t go with the Seoul Mates. Here’s some other places in Seoul where you can go see them: Yeouido Park, Seokchon Lake, and Gyeongbukgung Palace just to name a few!
The cherry blossoms are all scattered around Seoul, there lining the roads everywhere and on the Yonsei campus there are plenty of them to take nice pictures of! And when the petals start to fall it looks like it’s snowing pink snow! It’s very beautiful to watch and makes my walk to from the dorms more enjoyable.
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