I Did It. Here I am in Rennes.

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CIEE Rennes

Hello France. Hello Rennes. I have been in France for almost three weeks now and I still cannot believe that I am here. Everyday I wake up in this new white walled room and walk to school on century old cobblestones, surrounded by beautiful historic buildings, and I have to remind myself that yes I am really here in France and yes I will really be here for four lovely months.

Rennes is a beautiful town. It is described perfectly as a city with a small town charm, with history running deep in its veins. Due to the windy medieval streets you never feel like the city is overcrowded because you can always duck into a quieter lane and continue along your way. The other thing about Rennes is that there is so much to see! Everyday I am discovering something new and adding it to my list. I don’t know how I’ll be able to see it all in four months!

This is what I love so much about being in a new place for the first time, especially a new country for the first time. There is so much to see and do and every little thing is an exciting adventure! I’ve learned how to take the metro discovered the Parc du Thabor (which has birds and a beautiful waterfall right in the city center), been to the Saturday market, and a contemporary art museum. Even getting to know my host family has been a little adventure every day. And of course I’ve discovered delicious foods—sandwiches, galettes (the food Bretagne is known for), tiramisu (not French but it was still delicious), maracorns, cheese, and delicious breads, sometimes with figs or raisins or just plain baguettes that taste better than anything you could find in the U.S.

And everyday has been filled with a feeling of joy. The other day when some friends and I were sipping coffee at a bar, the conversation had lulled to a stop and we were all pleasantly basking in the sun enjoying the beautiful scenery. It is times like these that it hits me. I am in France. And I am immediately filled with a feeling of pure joy and happiness. Being in a new place for the first time is like swallowing butterflies. You are overcome with this need to discover and feel and taste and experience new things! So here I am in France. I did it. I came and I am going to soak up every morsel of the country I can.

Zoe Volpa

University of Colorado Boulder