Finding Your Way
Finding Your Way
Leaving home and immersing yourself in a wholly new culture can be a dauting thing to even think about. Likely as your date of departure date grows nearer, you'll become more anxious, worried about how you will survive in a place where everything is different. This was certainly something that I had to wrestle with myself. But, having been through it, I might be able to offer some insight and advice to help put your mind at ease.
Finding friends and fitting in somewhere was something that had me really worried when I first arrived at my destination. Being naturally introverted, I find it hard to open up and create friends in a short period of time. I was worried that I would find myself alone on the outside, unable to find a place to belong. However, I found that everyone was in the same boat as me. Everyone was worried about the same thing, waiting for someone to go up and talk to them. I found that just a simple "Hi" was enough to ignite a conversation that had the potential to make lasting friendships. So, my advice? You don't need to worry so much. You'll have plenty of opportunities to find "your group", all you need is a simple "Hello."
Burn Out
Once you arrive and you find a group of friends that you enjoy hanging out with, you might feel obligated to go out and explore something new every night. After all there are plenty restaurants to eat at, friends to meet and sights to see. Just make sure that you take time to slow down and rest. Its great to be excited but make sure that you are listening to your body and when it says it needs to rest. You dont need to do something every single day. Relax a bit, take a day off. After all its easier to enjoy the days you do go exploring if you arent exhausted and sluggish.
Get excited! Everyone their own ideas of how to spend their semester abroad and thats the beauty of it. There is something for everyone and if you take some of my advice, the memories you'll make while abroad will be some of the sweetest of your life.
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