Embracing My Inner Model

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Arts + Sciences (Yonsei University)

Authored By:

Geraldine L.

Seoul Fashion Week took place from March 15th to March 19th. Coming to Korea, I was aware of this and planned to check it out... However, I did not expect what I experienced. Seoul Fashion Week was hosted at Dongdaemun Plaza which is a popular place to visit. I planned with my roommate to go on Saturday. Of course, since it's Seoul Fashion Week, I had to look as fashionable and as glamorous as possible. I didn't have much to work with in my closet but I did have pieces of clothing that I knew would look great once put together. I had even gone shipping for accessories the day before which would really make that outfit come together. After spending almost 3 hours getting ready,my roommate and I took two buses to Dongdaemun Plaza. Once we got there, I immediately noticed all the photographers walking around and taking pictures of others. Photographers would approach you and take your picture even if you weren’t an actual model. Some photographers were professionals and some did photography as a hobby. I had a few people take pictures of me and my friends, but the highlight was actually being able to get into a fashion show! And all we had to do was wait patiently to see if we could get an empty seat. The clothes were so unique and we even saw a performance from a drag queen! I ended up going back the next morning to experience Seoul Fashion Week some more! I did a cool 360 degree photobooth by MUSINSA and took more pictures at some other cool spots. I even ended up getting bombarded by photographers and had to pose for photos for a few minutes. Overall, it was an experience that I never thought I would ever have. Just another thing I've done in Korea that I probably wouldn’t do in America!


Here are the instagrams of the photographers of my professional photos used here:

@photo_yejin and @cinepic.people