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CIEE Staff

Antoinette (Tana) Tornquist

French Language & Culture Paris, France
Hometown: Colorado Springs, CO

So excited to be working my 6th summer with CIEE.  I worked 4 summers in Paris and one in  La Ville Rose - Toulouse, France.  During the school year, I work at Rampart High School in Colorado Springs.  I teach the International Baccalaureate program levels 1 and 2 as well as French 2, 4 and AP. I also coach boys and girl”s tennis. In Colorado I enjoy doing all kinds of outdoor activities.  But I like to spend time at home with my cats and dog as well.  I have two grown children who live in Boulder, CO.  We love traveling together. 



Playing Pétanque in a Roman arena - Our own Jeux Olympiques

By Antoinette (Tana) Tornquist at CIEE

A Roman Arena in Paris? Yes! Hidden in a park in the 5th arrondissement , one can find the remains of a small Roman arena - Les Arènes de Lutèce... keep reading


Street Art Parisian style

By Antoinette (Tana) Tornquist at CIEE

In Paris, as in most large cities, street art greets you on every corner, on almost every street. While some might not consider this a traditional form of art, the... keep reading


Promenade on Ile de la Cite and le Quartier Latin

By Antoinette (Tana) Tornquist at CIEE

Each neighborhood in Paris has a unique ambiance, history and importance. CIEE students took a walking tour the first week of the program to aquaint themselves with two very special... keep reading


A Fun Way to Beat the Heat!

By Antoinette (Tana) Tornquist at CIEE

Summertime in Toulouse! There are plenty of activities to do outside in this beautiful city. A main feature of Toulouse is the Garonne River which has been an important part... keep reading


Time to reflect

By Antoinette (Tana) Tornquist at CIEE

The students here in Toulouse experience many things. They learn French not only in the classroom but also with their host families, program leaders and experiences in the community. When... keep reading


L'empire de la mort - descent into the Catacombs of Paris

By Antoinette (Tana) Tornquist at CIEE

As we descended the stairs twenty meters below Paris, student's anticipation grew. What would I see? Will I be scared? Will it be creepy???? The Catacombs of Paris has become... keep reading


Aux Champs-Elysées

By Antoinette (Tana) Tornquist at CIEE

As in the famous song “Aux Champs-Elysées” by Joe Dassin, the students strolled along this famous boulevard “Au soleil et sous la pluie » (in the sun and the rain)... keep reading


Un weekend à la compagne en Normandie

By Antoinette (Tana) Tornquist at CIEE

After two busy weeks of museums, pétanque and walking tours, students traveled to Normandy for a little fresh air and cool breezes. We left Paris Friday afternoon and arrived at... keep reading


Vive la Nature

By Antoinette (Tana) Tornquist at CIEE

After one full week in "la grande ville de Paris", we headed to a small town to breathe in the fresh air and stroll around the gardens of the chateau... keep reading


The park where Parisians play

By Antoinette (Tana) Tornquist at CIEE

We all know the famous parks in Paris such as the Jardin du Luxembourg, Le Palais Royal and the le Parc du Champs-de-Mars. But where do Parisians go to escape... keep reading

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