Maddie T.
Maddie's Program
Maddie is a 25 year-old from Portland, Oregon. She's here to teach, learn, and explore with her husband Nathan. When she's not blogging you can probably find her drinking a cafe con leche, taking photos, or petting a pug.
Things to do in Madrid with Visitors!
Having visitors is really fun, it sometimes it’s difficult deciding what to do with them in Madrid. Here’s some recommendations of things to do that I’ve done with some of... keep reading
Reassuring Advice I wish someone told me before I left for Spain
Before I left for Spain, I was very excited, but also very nervous. I didn't know where I was going to live, what my job would be like, or what... keep reading
Weekend Travel Tips
It’s such a blessing to be in Spain, and so close to the rest of Europe, but it’s also a curse. I want to go everywhere! Although we have 3... keep reading
Make the Most of Your Commute
When I first received my school placement, I was a little nervous. My school was in the town of Collado Villalba, about 25 miles outside of Madrid. Google Maps said... keep reading
Make the Most of Your Commute
When I first received my school placement, I was a little nervous. My school was in the town of Collado Villalba, about 25 miles outside of Madrid. Google Maps said... keep reading
Three King's Day
The January 6th, or Three Kings Day, is a huge deal in Spain. For many Spaniards it is even a bigger holiday than Christmas, and some kids only receive gifts... keep reading
New Year's Eve: Spanish Style
New Year’s Eve, yet another holiday in Spain! It was an extra special celebration because my parents and brother were visiting from the US and were ready to ring in... keep reading
Día Madrileño
Living in a big, exciting city like Madrid for a long period of time is a balancing act. It’s so great that there are so many cool and fun things... keep reading
Halloween in Spain
Halloween in Spain definitely surprised me! I thought that it wasn’t such a big holiday here, but people, especially younger kids, go crazy for Halloween! However, one major difference was... keep reading
2,000 Sheep in Downtown Madrid?!
If someone told me that I would be spending my Sunday chasing a heard of more than 2,000 sheep through the streets of downtown Madrid, I would have said they... keep reading