Lorenzo Shields
Student Traveler

Lorenzo S.

Hometown: El Paso, TX

Hi, I'm Lorenzo. I come from a military family and have lived all over but I've spent most of my life on the Texas-Mexico border in El Paso. I will be spending my senior year with CBYX in Germany. I hope to be able to share my love of food, sports, and the outdoors in my blog. 


War zone? No, it’s just New Year’s Eve in Deutschland

By Lorenzo S.

New Year’s Eve in Germany is legendary. All throughout the fall, my friends at school would tell tall tales about New Years celebrations from the past, about the crates of... keep reading

Meine Familie - Mi Familia - My Family

By Lorenzo S.

I haven’t written a detailed blog about my host family yet, but the short answer is, they’re awesome and have been unbelievably welcoming. Even though our village is pretty remote... keep reading

Gingerbread Sleepover with Oma & Opa

By Lorenzo S.

Just this past weekend, my host grandparents, who we call Oma and Opa, hosted an all-weekend cousins event. I was invited, of course, now that I’m part of the family... keep reading

Two Octoberfest Experiences

By Lorenzo S.

This past month, I've been lucky enough to join the crowds at two different Oktoberfests -- first, the opening day of the massive, world-famous Oktoberfest in Munich on September 21... keep reading

First Time Voter Feeling Patriotic

By Lorenzo S.

I voted for the first time today. Casting your vote from overseas is a somewhat complicated process and full of potential ways to screw it up, but today I mailed... keep reading

Lorenzo's Food Favorites, Part 1

By Lorenzo S.

Three weeks ago, I took a 7-hour series of trains westward from my CBYX language camp at Kloster Hedersleben to my new home in a tiny village called Hamminkeln, near... keep reading

Country Roads, Take Me Home…to Hedersleben?

By Lorenzo S.

My group of 50 CBYX students is doing our intensive German language camp at a former Cistercian monastery in the town of Hedersleben, about two hours northwest of Leipzig. It’s... keep reading

Public Service Announcement: Register to Vote & Get Your Absentee Ballot

By Lorenzo S.

While I was away working as a counselor at summer camp, I hit a milestone - I turned 17 years and 10 months old. It's a milestone because in Texas... keep reading

West Texas to Germany: Final Preparations

By Lorenzo S.

I'm sitting in the airport in Portland, Maine, having just finished my last few college tours. Getting ready to send in all my applications before I leave. While I am... keep reading

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