Kimberly N.
Kimberly's Program
Here at NCU we have some very talented foreign language majors - and I’m not just talking about the work they do in my classes. Not only can my lovely... keep reading
The Spring Festival vacation was long, long, long, but here we are at the start of a new semester at last! So I think it’s just the right time to... keep reading
Sometimes I forget that I haven’t lived in China my whole life. I know this sounds silly because, of course, I’ve only been in China since October, but having my... keep reading
The more I learn about Chinese New Year, the more interesting it becomes. First of all, only people who are not Chinese call it the Chinese New Year... here it’s... keep reading
First Semester Wrap-Up
In the interest of giving a lot of information in a short amount of time I want to share a few moments from my first semester in the style of... keep reading
My Taobao Review
Taobao is the Amazon of China, except in the words of Kanye West: it’s better, faster, and stronger. Now, personally, I had a unique experience because I ordered a pair... keep reading
My Student-Actors
Today one of my lessons went even better than I could have imagined! I was very hesitant at first because from my (minimal) experience here the students have a lot... keep reading
Midterms are coming! Midterms are coming!
It’s midterm season here at Nanchang University. To those of you at home that statement probably seems like a quick jump from “new professor” to MIDTERMS! It is. My fellow... keep reading
Double 11 is this Saturday and it’s a big day according to my students. It’s the day to celebrate single people (I just heard the echoes of many laughs from... keep reading
Holidays Abroad
We have had a busy two weeks in Nanchang. We taught many classes, we attended the opening ceremonies for the sports meetings that took place on Thursday and Friday (and... keep reading