Janet Akselrud
Janet's Program
During the Summer 2021 Costa Rica program, Janet Akselrud was a third year physics major at the Macaulay Honors College on the campus of CUNY CSI. Since then, she has graduated with a degree in Mathematics. Janet lives in New York, New York and when she is not studying, working, or traveling, she likes to sit in a tree.
Ciao Monteverde, We Will Remember Pura Vida!
Our final day in Montevrde was a full one! We visited the Amphibian Museum, the Sloth Sancturary, and, after class presentations, had a farewell dinner off campus.
Zipping Away: An Exploration of Costa Rica's Canopy
It has been raining on and off for days but, this Sunday, my students were lucky enough to encounter just a slight drizzle as we walked on hanging bridges and... keep reading
Sweet Sugar Cane Adventure (Written by: Camila)
Today's blog is written entirely by a global navigator, Camila, in climate change mitigation cohort 2. Here, she reflects on our group's Trapiche Tour from Thursday. Enjoy! "Our journey to... keep reading
An Intersection Between Class and Community in Costa Rica (Written by Sidra)
Today's blog is written entirely by a global navigator, Sidra, in climate change mitigation cohort 2. Here, she reflects on our class visit to Cerro Plano from Friday. Enjoy! "The... keep reading
Bienvenidos a Monteverde!
During their first full day in Coosta Rica, students in Climate Change Mitigation Cohort 2 (CCM2) got to know their campus and each other! In their afternoon class session, CCM2... keep reading
What were your expectations coming to Costa Rica? (By Kathy Bonilla, TA)
Kathy Bonilla is a teachers assistant, part of the climate change mitigation classroom, aiding our students' learning. In todays blog, Kathy shares her observations through a journal style reflection! Scroll... keep reading
Visiting Monteverde Mariposas (Written By Joselyn)
Today's blog is a guest post by global navigator Joselyn in climate change mitigation cohort 3! Joselyn reflects on their experience visiting the Monteverde Mariposa (butterfly) Garden: "On Friday, we... keep reading
The 4 B's: Bees, Birds, Butterflys, and Bats
On the imaginary essential pollinators list, bees usually come first. And, we have all heard about them: the endangered insects humans depend upon for survival. We have also heard about... keep reading
Mitigating our Carbon Footprint in Costa Rica (Written By Deborah)
Today's blog is written by global Navigator and recent high school graduate Deborah! Here is Deborah's reflection on yesturday's class and tree planting activity in Costa Rica: "In class today... keep reading
Bonding Day for the Climate Change Mitigation Cohorts in Monteverde
After a long travel day, followed by a packed schedule of orientation and campus rules, climate change mitigation (CCM) students had time to bond over fun games! In the following... keep reading