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Emma S.

Teach In Spain Program + 4 Weeks of Spanish Immersion Spain
Hometown: West Hartford, Connecticut

Emma recently graduated from Wesleyan University, where she majored in Hispanic Literature and Cultures and Science in Society. She spent her summer leading student travel trips in Costa Rica and polishing her Spanish before heading to Madrid to work at IES Luis Buñuel in Alcorcón. Emma is passionate about writing, sports, and community organizing. 


My Go-To Spots in Malasaña

By Emma S.

After almost 8 months of living in Malasaña, I have begun to hone in on my favorite spots around the neighborhood. Known to some as the Brooklyn of Europe, the... keep reading

Finding Fresh Air in Madrid's City Center

By Emma S.

One of my fears when moving to Madrid was that the big city would start to feel claustrophobic to me. I grew up and went to college in suburban Connecticut... keep reading

Learning Experiences/Expecting the Unexpected

By Emma S.

I have always hated the cliche "expect the unexpected". It's trite, and un-useful: I am the type who likes to be prepared, 5 minutes early, notecards ready, worst case scenario... keep reading

Students On Strike

By Emma S.

Now that we are coming to the end of October, most of us auxiliares are finishing up our fourth week of school. It is hard to believe that a month... keep reading

Finding Housing in Madrid

By Emma S.

If you're like me and you head to Spain right after graduating from college, your housing search in Madrid might be your first experience with looking for an apartment in... keep reading

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