Photo of Pier at Chek Jawa
Sing headshot
CIEE Staff

Ekua-Janea Quagraine

Global Entrepreneurship Singapore, Singapore
Hometown: Kansas City, MO

I am thrilled to be back in Singapore and explore more of the beautiful island with these students! I am passionate about exploration and youth education, so this trip is a dream come true. I love this place and can't wait to share what I have learned with these kids. We will adventure and explore the amazing culture while developing our skills and acumen in global business. 



Adventures in Melaka

By Ekua-Janea Quagraine at CIEE

We set off on an overnight trip to Melaka, Malaysia to immerse ourselves in the beautiful and rich culture of the Malay. We started the day off early and ended late to fit in as much exploration as possible and....MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! We already had a wonderful time and still have more to come!


Building Upon Foundations

By Ekua-Janea Quagraine at CIEE

Business ideas are flowing, and students are creating stronger and stronger proposals. Classes are full of information which students are utilizing in incredible ways!


Settled in Singapore

By Ekua-Janea Quagraine at CIEE

Week 2 has already been full of adventure and exploration! The Night Safari, Botanical Gardens, Presence Pictures, and daily exploration have kept us busy and continuously learning.

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