Dedipta B.
Dedipta's Program
Hasta Luego, Barcelona
Barcelona. In one word? I don't know how to describe that. In one word, I could say Barcelona was new. A whole new world for me different from what I've... keep reading
I'll Never Forget
So far, in Barcelona, I've gone to many excursions and they've all been really fun. Frankly speaking, everyday in Barcelona has been a new type of excursion for me because... keep reading
Wandering in the Streets of Barcelona
My journey in Barcelona, in true words, has been a bumpy ride. There's been so much that's happened within the span of two weeks. It feels like I've been here... keep reading
Falling in Love with the Waves
Living in a different country. Waking up in a room that is not your own. Eating foods that are not typical to you. Roaming streets unknown to you. Learning a... keep reading
Off to Another Side of the World
Hi, my name is Dedipta and this summer I'll be traveling to Barcelona, Spain. I'm pretty excited, but nervous at the same time. I applied to this program with only... keep reading