CIEE Rabat
CIEE Rabat's Programs
When you study abroad in Rabat, you’ll experience this city’s rich Islamic and French-colonial heritage, all while boosting your Arabic and French language skills. Home to the country’s most important museum, the Royal Palace, Rabat is one of the most welcoming and vibrant cities in Morocco with a strong international vibe for students.
Visiting the Largest Mosque in Africa!
This week, the students had some cultural activities that introduced them to Islam's influence and relevance to Moroccan culture, traditions and everyday life. On Monday, the students had a brief... keep reading
On Fridays, We Eat Couscous
Couscous is a traditional Moroccan dish, eaten on Fridays - the day of congregational prayer. Huge groups gather around one big table a eat the dish together, normally by hand... keep reading
“Salam, ça va?”: The Unique Linguistic Experience of Morocco
When I told people in my Arabic program back home that I was going to study abroad in Morocco, I received multiple warnings that I would struggle with the language... keep reading
A Guide to Your Pre-Departure Survival Darija
The linguistic landscape in Morocco is very diverse, with languages ranging from various Tamazight and Arabic dialects, as well as the colonial languages, French and Spanish, and a recent introduction... keep reading
Afternoon Soccer at Hilton Park
This afternoon’s activities featured soccer at Hilton Park, near the CIEE study center in Rabat, and the students had a blast! Soccer, or kura as it’s known in the local... keep reading
Day Trip to Tangier!
Over the weekend, we took a lovely day trip to Tangier! The students first stopped at the Cave of Hercules, where Roman legend said the hero stopped to rest before... keep reading
A Trip to Tangier
Our adventure began at the Hercules Caves, a site that has intrigued travelers for generations. These natural limestone grottoes, nestled just outside Tangier, are believed to be shaped like the... keep reading
Moroccan Women's Football Team Making History
Football, football, football! Football, known as soccer in only a few countries, finds its origins all the way to the time of the Aztecs. However, the game we know today... keep reading
Confronting Islam: How to Have a Change of Heart
I know it’s easy to develop many stereotypes and assumptions based on the type of media or societal attitudes that we consume, just as I know it is even harder... keep reading
A Weekend Getaway to the Blue City
A breathtaking blue oasis nestled in the Rif Mountains of Morocco, Chefchaouen is a picturesque town renowned for its vivid blue-painted buildings and rich cultural heritage. This past weekend, the... keep reading