boat on rabat beach morocco
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CIEE Staff

Andreina Santamaria

My name is Andreina Santamaria and I am the Rabat Language & Culture Session II Program Leader. I recently returned from Morocco where I served as a Peace Corps Volunteer for two years Rabat, Morocco



Student reflections: Natalie, Tahsina, Brian, Bontu and Nora

By Andreina Santamaria at CIEE

Hello Tangier! On Saturday, we visited the beautiful Moroccan coastal city of Tangier. First off, we visited the Hercules caves. Legend has it that the Greek hero originally named Heracles... keep reading


Student Reflections: Diana, Sarah, Saida, and Bianca

By Andreina Santamaria at CIEE

Our trip to Tangier was short but something we will remember fondly. I wish that we could have stayed longer because the Madina was so beautiful, especially the architecture as... keep reading


African Dance Workshop

By Andreina Santamaria at CIEE

Salam! Labas 3likum? Today our Rabat L&C students participated in an African dance workshop. The workshop took place at an association that supports refugees in Morocco. The association is the... keep reading


Marrakech (مراكش), weekend in the Red City

By Andreina Santamaria at CIEE

On Friday our session two students departed for their first overnight excursion, Marrakech. Marrakech is a city in the south of Morocco, also known as the “red city” because of... keep reading


HSSA Rabat L & C: Week Two

By Andreina Santamaria at CIEE

Salam everyone! Our session two students had an eventful second week. All students have adjusted to their schedule and routine during the second week. Week two cultural activities ranged from... keep reading


Marhaba HSSA session II f Maghrib!

By Andreina Santamaria at CIEE

Just a day after session one departure, we welcomed our session two students with open arms. After a long day of travel with many delays, all our students made it... keep reading


Student Profile - Mutasem Moussa

By Andreina Santamaria at CIEE

Just like that, we are in our fourth and final week. This past month flew by for all of us and we certainly have many memories to share when we... keep reading


Day trip to Tangier (طنجة)

By Andreina Santamaria at CIEE

With one week left before session one students head back to the states, students had their last excursion of the program, Tangier. Tangier (or Tanja), has a long history due... keep reading


Student Profile - Cristian Benavidez

By Andreina Santamaria at CIEE

Marrakech? More like Merchants want my cash! Marrakesh is a major city of the Kingdom of Morocco. It is the fourth largest city in the country, after Casablanca, Fez and... keep reading

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