View of Tokyo skyline at sunset in Japan
CIEE Staff

Akie Kasai

Japanese Language & Culture Tokyo, Japan
Hometown: Plano, TX

Former CIEE Student, now CIEE Program leader! I'm Akie and I am currently documenting my travels and adventure during my trip in Japan as a Program Leader for the Language and Culture program (session 2)!

In 2023, I was a student in Tokyo Culture and Communication Faculty-Led summer program hosted by UTD and CIEE. Since then, I have graduated from UTD and have been trying new things and career paths and spending my summer with CIEE sounded like an amazing learning opportunity! 



Kawagoe Day Trip: A Snapshot into Old Edo

By Akie Kasai at CIEE

The students immersed themselves in Kawagoe festival celebrations and learn more about Japanese festival culture!


Learning Safety Skills Outside the Classroom

By Akie Kasai at CIEE

At the Life Safety Learning Centers in Tokyo, HSSA Langauge and Culture students learned safety skills for what to do during an earthquake or fire or typhoon, which are common natural events that can happen in Tokyo and other places around the world.

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