Scenes from a Summer in the U.S.: Anja's Story

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Work Exchanges

By Anja Kadzioch, CIEE Work & Travel USA 2017

My Favorite Summer Memory

In this picture I'm in Central Park with my fiancé. This is my favorite summer memory because it was our second visit to NYC; last time we came here 3 years ago in winter and we couldn't manage to find this exact place. After we went back home, we promised that next time we visited NYC we would find it. This picture shows perfectly that, if you believe in your dreams, nothing is impossible and only "the sky is the limit." We all can do whatever we want, we just have to start believing in our possibilities. Work and Travel gave us this opportunity, to realize our dreams. You can't see it in the picture, but we had tears of happiness in our eyes. For a very long time it was a dream for us to be in this place and be there together. We were so lucky to be in this place, this summer, this year and again together, even closer than 3 years ago.

How I Spent my Summer

My fiancé and I were working for the steamboat company in Lake George, NY. In the beginning we both were working as food runners, but our manager changed our position to wait staff, so we could improve our language even more than expected. I love that in my job I'm busy and that we have to work together as a team. Without teamwork it would take much longer to set up the boat.

Surprising Things I Learned in the United States

I was surprised by the large tips Americans give sometimes. In my country it would be unbelievable, but here it is customary. I have learned that I love helping people and making them feel better. This feeling keeps me smiling.

What I've Taken Away from my Summer Work and Travel Experience

I think that the program will affect my future positively. I am now more open to other cultures and new environments. I am now also more fluent in English; I am not afraid anymore to say something wrong. I'm just trying my best and if I don't know something I now have a lot of new friends to ask about it.

The best part about living in the U.S. is the fact that everything is new, that we have to deal with everything alone and that keeps us busy all the time. It makes each day even more fun.