Same sun, same moon: Emiliya's story, Part II

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Work Exchanges

By Emiliya Nedeva, CIEE Work & Travel USA 2017 participant from Bulgaria.  For Part I of Emiliya's story, click here.

Some of my favourite memories from the USA are my trip to the Wildlife Park “Out of Africa,” the time spent with my roommates, and the chance to be near the nature, animals, every day. I also borrowed a bicycle and one day I went around 15 miles to the nearest town by myself. And last but not least of importance, is the memory of the star gazing party.  After my program, I also had the beautiful chance to visit my cousins in the state of Florida, and during my last two weeks in America, we spent some family time together. 

Photo for blog post Same sun, same moon: Emiliya's story, Part II
Having some days off for exploring the world of animals

Being in the USA, I learned that whether we are in Bulgaria or in Africa or in Australia, we are people in the end and most of the time we make the same mistakes. We are a witness of the same sun and the same moon each day of our different journeys in this life.

Photo for blog post Same sun, same moon: Emiliya's story, Part II
A beautiful sunrise on one of my last days on the South Rim of the Grand Canyon

I was often homesick and that is why I was very happy to be able to go home when the time came. But when I got home, I was a little bit discouraged. The first week after my arrival, I was not feeling so happy all the time. People in Europe, in general, are less expressive, and they simply do not smile at you so much as I was used to seeing in USA. 

Photo for blog post Same sun, same moon: Emiliya's story, Part II

When I came back to Bulgaria, I had to continue with my studies in English and Romanian at the university.  Until winter vacation, I wanted to be in my home country, so I traveled only within Bulgaria. During and after the winter vacation, I visited my aunt in Italy, and went to explore Hungary and Romania.

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Right now, I am in Romania taking a medical missionary course at a health center. We are studying the basics of massage, hydrotherapy, and how to prepare delicious vegan recipes. Also, we are working in the garden, trying to develop ourselves in agriculture, helping with kitchen duties, cleaning areas, and discovering the world from new perspectives. The course is only in Romanian, so I am practicing that language.  My English is also being developed: often, there are volunteers at the health center from abroad. For example, I have the privilege to share a room with two amazing girls coming from two different continents—Asia (the Philippines) and Africa (Kenya).

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Emiliya with Sherrey, from the Philippines, and Linda, from Kenya

Summer 2018 is coming soon, and I am waiting to see what the future holds. For now, my plans are to stay in Europe. If I have the opportunity to visit America again next year, I would love to. 
I am so thankful to all the people who have worked for this summer of mine to be so awesome.  I am so thankful to the local agency of “Integral” and also to CIEE. For years, I had a very big desire to go to the USA for a few months, but I never thought it would happen when I was a student, especially after I lost the support of my parents.

Photo for blog post Same sun, same moon: Emiliya's story, Part II

For all the students like me out there in the world facing such a burden, I want to encourage you that you are special. You are not alone! Do not be afraid. Be of good courage! Live, explore, discover.

Photo for blog post Same sun, same moon: Emiliya's story, Part II
What a joy to be near the giraffe!