Highlights from the Great Outdoors Photo Contest: Hanna's Story

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Work Exchanges

This summer we are asking CIEE Work & Travel USA participants to share their stories with us through a series of photo contest on Social Media. We have been so impressed by the submissions! Here, Hanna Reyes, a participant from the Philippines, shares the story behind her wonderful photo.

This is a photo of me and my friends Jashmine, Kathlyn, Avery, and Rain. We knew each other back in the Philippines because we have the same program, Hotel and Restaurant Management, in De La Salle University. Jashmine is a tourism student in the same university with us, and we met her here in the United States! 

For me the best thing about working in Yellowstone National Park is when we have our days off and we travel to different villages to see the scenic views located inside the park, for free! As park employees we can catch shuttles, though we need to wait for half an hour or longer yet it is really worth the wait. Just like what they say, patience is a virtue! Because of the shuttle we met many different nationalities, Americans, Koreans, Taiwanese, and get to be friends with them. Especially some Americans who travel from different states, and some park employees. 

Based from what I have observed here inside the park, the Americans are really approachable and kind. They always greet each other as their eyes meet and say hi or hello, good morning, and how are you every time.

As a Filipino, we are family-oriented where we live with our parents or relatives and we always ask for permission when we go out with our friends. As I live here I learned that it is possible for me to live on my own in a different culture and different environment where I can possibly call myself an independent woman. I can be responsible and I was able to communicate, mingle, and respect the people from around the world. 

I think my stay here in the United States on the Work and Travel USA program will help me in the near future to be employed easily. Because the experience here has a great impact on my interpersonal skills.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank our local agency United Towers Philippines, the host company Xanterra for this great experience working here in the U.S. And also our sponsor, CIEE. Thank you so much!