Preparing for a Year in Germany: A Checklist
Hallo, ich bin Zoe!
I am writing this about two weeks until I board the plane to Germany, my new home for the next
year. My life has become a whirlwind of thrill, excitement, and nerves. Moving to a new country and
living on my own for the first time is an enormous change. There is so much to plan, to pack, and so
many pictures to take. Whenever I feel overwhelmed or anxious about events in my life, I find writing a
simple checklist helps to clear my mind and organize my thoughts. Preparing to move to a different
country is the perfect opportunity to write a checklist!
Checklist for Germany:
- Forms
Figure out the forms necessary for your time abroad as soon as possible. Fill out any medical, financial, or
other forms a few months before you leave. Apply for a passport right away. I would recommend
expediting it to make sure it arrives on time. Additionally, make sure important things such as your cell
phone service are in order.
- Say Farewells/Keep in Touch
Say your farewells! Exchange numbers and addresses with people to stay in touch with them while you
are overseas.
- Learn About German Culture
Educate yourself as much as possible about German culture before leaving. Start learning more about the
language through books, and apps like Duolingo and Mango. Review other aspects of German culture including
history, traditions, and cuisine. There is a lot to learn!
- Prepare for Life After Germany
Whether you are a freshman in high school or entering your senior year, planning for education and life
after Germany is important. In my own case, I am graduating early and applying to colleges while abroad.
Setting goals for the future and having an idea of what you plan to do career-wise in the future is a good
perspective to take when thinking about finishing high school credits and graduating.
- Pack Your Things
Packing is more difficult than it seems, but I’ve learned that less is more. I recently attended a month-long
summer intensive in Virginia, where I currently live. Packing for my intensive gave me a good view of
what things are necessary, and what things aren’t. I recommend packing necessary items you can’t normally find at the convenience or grocery stores. My favorite hygiene products, medications, and a few packaged food items are some things I brought with me. When packing remember, less is more!
- Enjoy Your Time in the US!
This is the last time you will be in the US for 10 months. Make the most of it! Live in the moment and
enjoy spending time with your friends and family. Most importantly, create memories that you can carry with you while you are abroad.
Ciao-ciao for now!
Zoe Schauder
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