My time in the USA comes to an End

Authored By:

Phillip G.

My last month here in the USA is almost over. I played with the band at the graduation ceremony. It was just like in the movies. Everyone was called up and received their diploma. And at the end, of course, the headgear was thrown in the air. And then came my last day at school. I had to say goodbye to everyone and hand in my laptop and books. 

On my first weekend of the summer vacation, we went to Salt Lake City. We looked around the city and visited an amusement park. Unfortunately, it was very rainy, but that's why the lines weren't as long. Over Memorial Day, we went camping with a family friend. We went to a lake, had a campfire and swam in the lake. Fortunately, the weather was great and warm and the trip was really fun. 

Unfortunately, my time here is coming to an end. It was an incredibly great experience for me. I got to meet so many nice people and experience a new culture. My host family was the best I could have imagined, I am very happy that I ended up with them.