Kiko's American Story

Authored By:

High School USA


Each year, CIEE runs a video contest called My American Story. Students make videos that show their American life during their exchange year and submit it for a chance to win prizes. Here is a video from a Japanese student, Kiko:


"My name is Kiko Kawata. I'm from Japan. I like to make a video. In the future, I'd like to work in a profession related to animation movies. Anyway!! My American school life is amazing!! It's all because my friends. This contest is a good chance to show you my American school life. So I made a short movie, like a trailer. Our Japanese class tried making a video"BAKAKKOII"which is popular with Japanese teenagers. The Japanese,"Baka" means stupid. And, "KAKKOII" means cool. To be honest,we filmed a video many times. Because, It's difficult to did it the first time. The many scenes had to be shot again again again! So, I'll show you guys my cool school life. I'm sure you'll enjoy it."