Teach English Abroad Blog
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CIEE Volunteer Spotlight: Meet Layla!
Where are you from? What was your academic background or career before teaching abroad? I am Canadian, specifically Québécoise. In Quebec, students are required to attend community college (CEGEP) before... keep reading
Orientation in Valladolid: A Look Inside CIEE's Spain Volunteer program!
CIEE’s Orientation in Valladolid is one of the many benefits of the Teach in Spain Volunteer program! The best part? Airport pickup, transportation, hotel accommodation, and meals are all provided... keep reading
CIEE Volunteer Spotlight: Meet Arielle!
What made you want to do this experience? A friend told me about this program, and I knew I had to apply! After graduating college, I was looking for an... keep reading
Settling in in a rural Spanish Village
Lively conversation on the flight over, a beautiful small Spanish village, and the nicest family in all of Castilla and Leon. This has been my experience so far in my... keep reading
Meet and Greet in Valladolid
It's been a little over one week since I've arrived to my small village of Sahagún, and I'm so glad that I have 2 more months to spend here. I... keep reading
Madison in Spain.
Hello all! It is a beautiful day today, the sun is shining, it is a crisp 7°C (which is 45°F for everyone else), and I am typing this out while... keep reading
My first few days in Spain
Oh wow, if I could give myself a list of things to do differently I would have. The first 48 hours in Spain have come and gone and the journey... keep reading
24 Hours Before Departure...
The time has come. Soon I will be boarding a plane for Spain, where I will be spending the next 3 months as a Language and Cultural Assistant in Sahagún... keep reading
Becoming a Madrileña
Bienvenidos/as a mi blog! My name is Caitlin-Marie Ward. I'm originally from Washington, D.C. (yes there are actually people who are from D.C.) and I've been living in Madrid for... keep reading
My Language Learning Toolkit
If you’re like me (and a lot of people) you may have learned spanish from elementary to high school but didn’t really retain it. Here are methods and specific resources... keep reading
1: The Preparation
I've wanted to teach abroad for a couple of years now. I have never been so sure about anything in my life. This is surprising because I am extremely indecisive... keep reading
Finding Peace Within Yourself
I can admit, the American “constant work” mindset has taken me hostage. As vulnerable as it might sound, I have a seriously hard time being alone or feeling unproductive. Through... keep reading
Which Teach in Spain Program is Right for You?
In all our Spain programs, apart from Spain Professional, you’ll be teaching part time (about 16 hours per week) as a Language and Culture Assistant. However, each program varies in... keep reading
I live in the center of my city, Huelva. My school is located in a small pueblo called San Juan del Puerto which is about 12 minutes outside of Huelva... keep reading