Adventure Is Out There
My name is Morgan Rost. I am from Luckey, OH. A super small town located in the middle of corn fields, that no one has ever heard of. Never did I think that I would be moving abroad to live in Spain for a year, but after completing my student teaching abroad, I realized that that is exactly what I want to do.
I recently graduated from Miami University in Oxford, OH with a degree in Middle Childhood Education. While at Miami, I completed my student teaching at an international school in Luxembourg in the Fall of 2021. This was my first time abroad, my first time on a plane even. I was terified of becoming homesick and wanting to return home, and not being able to enjoy my time there. Little did I know, that teaching abroad would be the best decision I ever made.
In Luxembourg, I learned so much about how to improve my teaching and what education looks like in different countries. For the first couple weeks, I was awestruck at the way that the school, the students, and the teachers behaved. The students were allowed to leave the building if they weren't in class and were trusted to come back; there was an all-school break everyday for everybody in the building. There were so many differences to how schools run in the U.S. I saw this opporutnity not just as a chance to learn and adapt to their school system, but also to mesh it with my own teachign style from back home to create a multiculturally informed classroom.
As my time in Luxembourg drew to a close, I realized that I wasn't ready to return home. Not only did I learn so much about myself as a teacher, but also as a person as well. I loved living within a new culture and experiencing all of the things that that entails. I decided then that I wanted to teach abroad again, somewhere new, for longer than the two short months I was in Lux.
My aspirations while in Spain include learning how to make myself a better teacher, how to create a culturally relevant classroom for my students that is adapted to them and that expands beyond the encompassing four walls, as well as having new experiences and growing as a human being. Hopefully along the way, as I chronicle my experiences, my adventures and advice can be of some help to one of you who may be trying to decide if living and teaching abroad is right for you. Let the journey begin! :)
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