About Me!
Hi my name is Sarynn Good! I am from Seattle, Washington and I just recently graduated from Washington State University with a Bachelor's of Science in Psychology and minors in Human Resource Management, Human Development and Sociology. I love to listen to music, play guitar, thrift, go to concerts, hike, ski, read, workout, do yoga and do anything crafty/creative. I will be teaching English abroad in Madrid, Spain and I am super excited! I love to travel and have always thought it would be cool to do something like live abroad and so my friend informed me of this program and convinced me to sign up for it with her! I chose Spain specifically because I have never been before but I speak a little bit of Spanish so I would be exploring somewhere new without being too out of my element. I hope to see lot's of sights, try new food, learn about the culture, and maybe even eventually become fluent in Spanish. I am a little bit nervous about teaching in a classroom as this is something I have never done before and I never thought I would be doing but it'll be a good learning experience and a chance to try something completely different. My biggest goal is to get outside of my comfort zone and make the most of my experience.
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