
Programs for this blog post

Japanese Language & Culture

Authored By:

Heather Constantinescu

Hello everyone, 

In Japan, up at 3:44am Kyoto time. Finally got to sleep (at 9:30pm) and then woke up after 6 hours. We arrived at the first hotel yesterday and navigated all the new technology - the hotel key has to be inserted into a card slot by the door to keep the lights activated, and the toilet (with bidet!) has a full menu that one needs to figure out in order to flush. Students went to the コンビニ (conbini = convenience store) across the street and there was a wide range of food available, for them to choose from. Onigiri and yakisoba and simple sandwiches. 

In the morning we'll meet at the lobby and travel to the Keizai Koho Center for Orientation and send some of the kids off to their homestay families. Some will go to the Pocket Hotel.

It's been an adventure so far! Looking forward to meeting the Los Angeles group. 

Fortunately the gifts I brought survived the trip. 

日本にいることが信じられない。すごい。(Can't believe I'm in Japan. It's awesome.) 

Heather (Mrs. C.)