Why I’m Doing a Second High School Summer Abroad

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Women for Environmental Action

Post written by CIEE Global Navigator alum Brooke F. from North Carolina, who participated in the CIEE Global Navigator Marketing Internship in spring of 2024. In this post, Brooke shares her experience in Costa Rica and why she's choosing to go on another high school study abroad adventure, this time in Australia!


At the age of 15 years old, I studied abroad in Monteverde, Costa Rica with CIEE’s Women for Environmental Action program. 

As I began my application process in late 2022, I was constantly told that studying abroad as a high schooler would be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. However, after returning from Costa Rica, I began to ask myself this question: 

“What is preventing me from making this a twice-in-a-lifetime opportunity?” 

After looking into it, I quickly realized that there was absolutely nothing stopping me, and that has led me to study abroad for a second time, now on CIEE's high school summer abroad program called Australian Wildlife Conservation From Land to Sea in Sydney, Australia. 

There are countless reasons why I chose to study abroad again, but here are my top 3:


1. Personal Growth

Studying abroad in Costa Rica truly changed my life, and this was largely based on the copious amounts of personal growth I experienced, both mentally and academically. 

Traveling without my family for the first time was extremely stressful and nerve-wracking, but it provided me with a newfound sense of independence. While on program, I quickly realized that it was up to me to hold myself accountable for everything that I needed. I needed to keep up with my schoolwork, being on time to all classes and excursions, keeping my room clean, and so much more. 

On top of all of this growth, my academic growth was prominent in many different aspects. We had many different classes, spanning from content-based classes to cultural classes. Our content-based classes were led by local biologists, who were extremely talented, and they caused our classes to be incredibly enriching and educational. We had three different cultural classes, which were Spanish, dancing, and cooking classes, all led by locals.


2. Meaningful Connections

The relationships and friendships that I formed with everyone in Costa Rica is possibly what I value most from my study abroad experience. 

I formed lifelong connections with almost everyone I was with, from my roommates, other students, my Program Leaders, my teachers, and so many more. I tried to talk to everyone I possibly could, and it was one of the best decisions I have ever made. All of the Program Leaders and students were from all over the United States, and I learned from everyone I was with. 

We all shared the same passions, and I loved getting to spend my time with them. Since leaving the program, I have had people travel to come see me, I have met my closest friends in NYC, and I have traveled to visit someone in another state.


3. My Experiences After Study Abroad

As incredible as my summer abroad was, I loved my time afterwards just as much. 

I stayed in touch with all of my friends, and we still talk constantly. Having friends all over the country has been a really fun experience. 

I have also been provided with copious opportunities by CIEE afterwards, such as becoming a Global Ambassador and participating in the Global Navigator Marketing Internship, which have been extremely beneficial for my academic career and provided me with knowledge in many areas. 

Each participant is granted a referral code which allows for you to get $200 for each referral (and provides your friends with a $200 discount). You can potentially earn thousands of dollars just by spreading the word about summer activities for high school students. 

Aside from these opportunities, other participants have formed high school study abroad clubs in their schools after returning from program.


Why Study Abroad in High School Again? 

I talked with others who studied abroad on other high school summer programs with CIEE, and I quickly noticed that these were all shared experiences, in one way or another. 

It was the perfect way to spend my summer, and the idea to experience it again in a new place with new people excited me. I will be able to learn even more about my desired topic and broaden my global perspectives even more. 

CIEE also provides alumni discounts, so my program was less expensive. 

If you want to apply for a second high school summer abroad program with CIEE next year, start a new application today!