Welcome to Yokohama! (横浜へ ようこそ!)

Programs for this blog post

Japanese Language & Culture

Authored By:

Curtis Wright

We visited Yokohama today. 

We traveled using a bus that our program rented. 

It was a warm day filled with welcomed challenges and new experiences.

We received group tours from native volunteers in Yokohama and learned a great deal about Yokohama’s history and geography. 

We also visited a model food store and saw different varieties of food that made us all even hungrier than we originally were. 

Fortunately, later we had a chance to visit a local mall in Yokohama and tried out different food in the food court.

Finally, we went to the cup ramen museum and all had a chance to decorate and make own cup ramen. We also traveled throughout the ramen museum and viewed many of the exhibits which helped us to learn more about Japan’s history and how Japanese innovators have influenced eating habits and other aspects of life for people throughout the world. 

Traveling back home on our bus gave us an opportunity to relax and unwind as we reflected on the day’s experiences and discussed the new adventures in Japan that we have to look forward to as we make the most of our remaining time together. As we watched the sunset, we felt that we were able to share a precious moment that perfectly completed our long day in the land of the rising sun.

By Curtis Wright