Welcome to London!

Programs for this blog post

Theatre Arts on London’s Stage

Authored By:

Erin Munsie

All 22 students arrived safely and the study trip is off to a wonderful start! We are practicing our best British accents, getting to know one another, becoming acquainted with London and trying to adjust to a new time zone! Our CIEE study center is located in the beautiful area of Bloomsbury, with our hotel being a short walk away. We've met our director Lizzie and the wonderful Helena, with whom we will be spending the next three weeks! 

We had a great orientation for the program, complete with a visit from a counselor as well as a London police officer to give us tips on staying safe in a big city. Once we had our bearings, we went to the famous British Museum to see famous artifacts from all over the world. We've met our instructors for our classes, which we will have for three hours Monday - Friday. They're full of knowledge, experience and energy! Students are truly excited to learn more about theatre. 

We took a walking tour of Soho on Tuesday, complete with some free time to do some shopping on the famous Carnaby Street. After dinner, we headed to our very first show! We were very lucky to be able to see A Doll's House - Part 2 which just went into previews on June 10. It was starting the brilliant Noma Dumezweni. Students had a riveting discussion on the way back to the hotel about whether or not Nora had made the right decision 15 years ago. 

We have a wonderful group of students and we couldn't ask for better weather! A great start to a great trip!