Week 1: Guanajuato, Mexico

I recently dived into a whole new culture this past Sunday that is only about 2,000 miles from where I live in the United States. I was surprised that a different culture could consist of so many different things. Some examples being festivals, food, architecture, and music. (Below is the view from the terrace in my host family’s house which is an example of how another culture builds their way of life) 


When I first met my host family, I was nervous and excited at the same time. However, I realized that I had no reason to be nervous as they are very friendly, welcoming, and hardworking people. My host family consists of 3 people which can be seen below. My mom is named Laura and her two sons are Jafet and Sayek who are 18 years old.


I also met the other students when I arrived at the airport in Dallas that would take us to México. Upon greeting everyone I realized that everyone was super nice and just as excited and eager to be immersed in another culture.

I believe that I am doing a decent job in getting by with Spanish in Guanajuato. I love interacting with the locals and asking for recommendations too. Everyone in Guanajuato is amiable and willing to help you if you need something.


I believe that CIEE is very well organized and dedicated to the participant’s education and safety. The program leaders made sure that we were aware of basic rules and notes that would make sure to keep us safe during our month in Guanajuato. The class that I am in at the local University is really interesting because we are able to learn from real situations in comparisons to classes in the United States. We are able to go into the community and speak with the locals and ask them questions which helps us to expand our vocabulary and confidence in the language. I have loved my stay in Guanajuato so far and cannot wait to experience more in the coming weeks!

-Roberto M.

'Global Navigator Voices' is a collection of blog articles and pictures by our very own high school study abroad participants. Follow their adventures before, during, and after their experiences abroad!