Un Tour en el Centro Histórico de Sevilla
Yesterday afternoon's activity was a tour through the centro of the city of Sevilla. Since most students live in other neighborhoods, they met with their program leaders at the designated meeting point and walked together to el Prado de San Sebastián, a major bus stop, where our local tour guides were waiting for us. Once all the groups arrived, each tour guide introduced himself or herself to the group and started to chat with the students as we walked to the first stop of our tour.
First Stop: Universidad de Sevilla
The first point of interest on the tour was the University of Sevilla. They learned about this beautiful building's history as Spain's tobacco factory during colonial times before it was converted into the main campus building of the University of Sevilla

Second Stop: La Giralda y Catedral de Sevilla
One of the most prominent landmarks of Sevilla's skyline is the Giralda, a tall tower attached to the Catedral de Sevilla. Originally a mosque during Moorish rule, this historic building has been converted into the gothic cathedral that it is today. After learning about this landmark's origins, the students were eager to take pictures in front of this stunning architecture.
Plaza Hopping: Plaza Nueva - Plaza de San Francisco - Plaza del Salvador
After moving on from the Carthedral, we passed through several central plazas on our way to our final stop of the tour. Sevilla, like many Spanish cities, boasts an impressive number of plazas, and the Plaza Nueva, Plaza de San Francisco, and Plaza del Salvador are just a few.
Final Stop: Las Setas
"Las Setas" (the mushrooms) is a large wooden structure that covers a plaza located near the absolute center of the city. The contemporary design contrasts sharply with the surrounding, traditional arquitecture, and it has become one of the most distinct modern landmarks in Sevilla. The Setas serve as both a source of shade for the people on the ground and as a lookout with some of the best views in the city for the people who go to the top.
After the tour:
When they came back down from the Setas, they had some time to explore before returning home for curfew. Although the students became familiar with some of the major buildings and landmarks of Sevilla, there is still so much for them to explore and discover throughout the next three weeks.
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