Taiko Drums at Choin Wajun Kaikan 6/23/23

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Japanese Language & Culture

Authored By:

Heather Constantinescu

It's been an eventful week and a half since I last had time to post. A week ago, we visited the Choin Wajun Kaikan and had a lesson on Taiko Drums. That was wonderful, and students made an incredible sound as they each lifted their drum sticks to a rhythm tapped out by their teacher. It was an exhilarating experience. 

Photo for blog post Taiko Drums at Choin Wajun Kaikan 6/23/23

Photo for blog post Taiko Drums at Choin Wajun Kaikan 6/23/23

Photo for blog post Taiko Drums at Choin Wajun Kaikan 6/23/23

Photo for blog post Taiko Drums at Choin Wajun Kaikan 6/23/23