Students smiling their way through the Panoramic View of the Seine!

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French Language & Culture

Authored By:

Elizabeth Mbunya
Students brought their smiles!

 It is the second day of classes and activities for the Session II Language and Culture Program in Paris! There was a gem of an activity reserved for the students today. Une croisière sur les bateaux-mouches - a cruise on the river boats called bateaux mouches. The goal of this afternoon’s activity was to get students to discover Paris and its principal monuments through a stroll on the Seine. What a new way to appreciate Paris and its treasures and at the same time gain insight into French language and culture!

This cruise took place on the Seine River which cuts through the very heart of Paris. It is the epicenter of the vibrant French capital. This historic waterway is an integral part of the city and its fascinating history. Lined with traditional booksellers and bordered by beautiful boulevards, historic cafés and charming neighborhoods, the River and its surroundings are an attraction in itself not to be missed!  

As a way to become acquainted with the city of lights, we walked along the banks of the Seine before taking a relaxing boat tour down its waters. This panoramic tour brought a smile to many of the students’ faces as it was led by an enthusiastic guide, who detailed the history of the city’s beautiful bridges along with some of the French capital’s most famous buildings and monuments, including the Louvre Museum, Eiffel Tower and the Cathedral of Notre Dame. 

With favorable weather and temperatures ranging from 16 to 20°C (60 to 68°F), one could say the first day of touring was a great success.