Some Much Needed Vitamin Beach

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Leadership & Service Through Mandela's Example

Prior to starting an eventful day filled with cleaning up the beach, some of us decided to work out in the morning at 6:15 a.m. at Cape Town University. The views and activity made for a really exciting start to quite a sandy day! Today was the first time we had breakfast at our dorms starting at 7:30 a.m. and the food was delicious! With eggs, beans, toast, and bacon, there was a really good variety of food for everyone. 

After breakfast, we headed to the train station to embark on our beach clean-up trip. Once we arrived to the beach, we listened to Geena, a conservationist, speak about ocean conservation, how litter affects the sea animals, and how the temperatures of the water can take a toll on our planet's oxygen levels. Hearing that turtles mistake plastic bags for jellfish, resulting in choking or starvation, we felt heartbroken and that sparked a desire to make a change and clean the beach to our best abilities. Picking up trash, we made the realization that we use way more unnecessary materials than we should, that unfortunately end up on the ground or in the ocean. 

Before returning on our journey back to the CIEE Center in Rondebosch, we enjoyed a classic beach lunch at Lucky Fish and Chips. With fried hake and "chips" (our fries), we were really full and satisfied, with 30 minutes left to explore the beach and the small surrounding shops. Though we were sad to go back to our dorms, we were thrilled to finally be able to do some laundry and walk around and shop. From smoothies, to markets, we discovered the diversity of Rondebosch and are falling in love with this city more and more every day! 

Jania and Meagan