Soaring Heights and Cascading Falls: Weekend Adventures in Monteverde, Costa Rica

Programs for this blog post

Women for Environmental Action

Authored By:

Delaney O'Brien

Costa Rica's beautiful landscapes and thriving tourism industry creates an ideal environment for adventure tourism, allowing study abroad students to explore breathtaking attractions and immerse themselves in the local culture. This past weekend, the Women in STEM program in Monteverde embarked on two exciting excursions: hiking the El Tigre Waterfalls and soaring through the sky at the Sulventura Adventure Park.

Our weekend adventure began with a three mile hike through the El Tigre Waterfalls. Setting off early Saturday morning, we embarked on a quick journey along the bumpy mountainous roads. Once arriving at El Tigre, we grabbed walking sticks and began the hike. We encountered four waterfalls, walked along streams, and crossed rope bridges that added an element of excitement to the experience. Upon reaching the end of our hike, we were able to swim in the waters of a small river, cooling down and experiencing the calming effect of nature. Some of us chose to enjoy a horseback ride while others opted for an off-road Jeep-style vehicle to transport us back to the mountaintop. To finish off this excursion, we ate a traditional Costa Rican meal. Our day continued with the sound of rainfall, a common scene we see in the afternoons during the rain season. We finished out the evening in the Rec Room, spending time together full of karaoke and laughter.

Sunday morning arrived with another day of adventure: zip lining! Did you know that zip lining was actually invented in Costa Rica? Zip lining was originally invented in Costa Rica to study the biodiversity of treetops and transport goods. Gaining popularity in the 1990s, this fun and exhilarating activity allows participants to glide through the air while enjoying breathtaking views. Equipped with our gear, we boarded buses that would transport us to the starting point of our adventure. The fourteen-line course provided us with unforgettable views and friendly guides who ensured our safety throughout the experience. Excitement and a touch of nervousness filled the air as we soared through the treetops, each zip line delivering a surge of adrenaline. Some of the zip lines even required two or three people. The guides grouped together the girls before sending them flying across the valley. 

As the course came to an end, there was an optional Tarzan swing for those who were feeling particularly brave. Many of our students took the leap, with screams and laughter to come soon after. After grabbing snacks and souvenirs in the gift shop, we boarded the buses for the thirty-minute journey back to campus. The exhaustion from the weekends adventures meant many spent the afternoon taking a nap. 

Costa Rica's adventure tourism offerings provide an unparalleled opportunity to engage with nature, challenge ourselves, and create memories. As the Women in STEM program finishes out their program, these weekend excursions bring the girls together and create memories of a lifetime.