Santiago DR Trip Highlights
Santiago Trip Highlights!
It's your friendly local Program Leaders Laura and Justine coming at you with one final program blog entry!
As they say, a photo is worth a thousand words, and there were so many great photos I've wanted to share that I've been saving for this final entry. So, without too much blabbing from me, I'll let these photos speak for themselves.
It's hard to believe how much has taken place in the last three weeks. When we first landed in Santiago, we were all still strangers! This is so hard to imagine now as we've all grown to know each other so well throughout this experience. We hadn't even named our bus "Vicky" yet!
Our experiences and trip highlights can be categorized in so many ways; cultural and linguistic discoveries, personal goals met, new adventures taken, new ideas embraced, but without a doubt the most impactful moments of the trip were those in which new relationships were made. So many wonderful friendships blossomed here in Santiago with host families,
children from the communities,
employees of CIEE and Acción Callejera,
and of course, between participants.
This has been a life-changing opportunity for everyone who had the privilege to be involved, and I am deeply grateful to have been a part of it. Thank you so much for following along with us on this journey!