Overnight trip to Liberia

Programs for this blog post

Women for Environmental Action

Authored By:

Akayla anderson

Zebras, Giraffes and Cows...Oh my! What a fun-filled weekend! Students departed CIEE’s beautiful Monteverde Campus on Saturday morning and headed to their overnight trip in Liberia, Costa Rica.

After a 2 hour bus ride, we stopped at La Ponderosa Adventure Park. The first activity on the agenda was going on an African Safari Tour. Students were able to observe giraffes, zebras, cows, goats and so much more! Feeding the zebras and giraffes was a favorite among the group. After enjoying a few hours in the luminous sun, they went on a tube ride through the river and enjoyed time swimming in the refreshing water. We ended the night with a stop at the supermarket and a gratifying group dinner at a local restaurant. Back at the hotel, students enjoyed hanging out, going down the water slide and swimming in the various pools. 

On Sunday, we spent the morning walking around the town of Liberia and doing some shopping! We had one last stop before heading back to campus: Las Pumas Rescue Center. Students got the opportunity to learn about the mission of the rescue center, which is to rescue and rehabilitate. Students got to spend time visiting the monkeys, jaguars, pumas and even a sloth! The trip wouldn't have been complete without a stop in the gift shop, in which the proceeds made go directly back to the rescue center!

The overnight trip was a great end to Week 1 in Costa Rica. So many memories made that will last a lifetime!