Overnight Trip-Beach Weekend
On Friday, June 28th, participants were picked up with their bags packed and swimwear on, ready for a weekend of fun!
Our first stop was an excursion called 27 Waterfalls of Damajagua. Here participants hiked, slid down natural water slides made of rock, and did various adventure activities.

Next, we toured a local cacao farm called Hacienda Cufa. This farm has been in the family of the owners for decades. Students got to try raw cacao, saw how it grows, and were walked through the process towards making it into chocolate! After the tour we drove to our hotel where participants had free time to relax and swim at the pool.

On Saturday the group headed to Lagoon Gri Gri to take a boat out to a natural pool in the ocean. Many brought goggles to snorkel and look at fish! That night everyone got dressed up for our fancy group dinner and received matching red, white, and blue bracelets signifying the colors of the Dominican flag with their names woven on it.

Sunday some participants got up at 5:30 a.m. to see the sunrise at the beach, which occurred a little after 6 a.m. Some of us sat in our pajamas listening to the waves crash, others looked for shells along the coast, and a few got in an early morning swim in the water before the crowds arrived for the day.

The afternoon was spent in Puerto Plata seeing cool sights such as the pink street, umbrella street, and shops. We ended the trip at a local ice cream place filled with paletas and fresh fruit ice cream in fruit bowls.