Our last days

Programs for this blog post

Aquatic Ecosystems & Sustainability

Authored By:

Julianne O'Connell

It is hard to describe what these last few days have felt like for our student. In one sense it feels like we have been here forever— our group is in a good groove and our accommodation has started to feel like home. In another sense it feels like we just got here—the time has flown by and we find ourself saying, "I can't believe it's our last time doing _____________."

In the well at Sintra
in the grotto at Sintra
walking through Sintra

Despite these complex feelings, our students are thriving. In this past week they have gone to the aquarium where we saw amazing rays, sharks, and the cutest sea otters. We also visited the amazing city of Sintra where we walked through some magical palaces. We also went scuba diving and dolphin watching where we saw all the animals that we have been learning about over the past 3 weeks: cuttlefish and octopus, starfish and coral. The water was cold and blue and seeing the dolphins jump and play with with background of rocky cliffs was a truly beautiful way to end our trip.

diving on our dolphin tour
at the fish market in Setubal
on our dolphin tour
eating cuttlefish

On Wednesday we left our accommodation in Estoril to come to Lisbon where we have been busy working on our final presentations and figuring out the logistics of heading home. Although our students are talking about everything they will miss about Portugal, we have also heard rumblings of the foods they are excited about eating once they are stateside again.

leaving Nido
a final sunset in Estoril


beach fun!

All in all, the last week has felt like a whirlwind but there has been plenty of laughter and memories to last a lifetime.

Thanks for following along on our journey!