More exploring and discovering!

¡Hola a todos!

Over the past few days, the students have really delved into the history of Spain. On Tuesday, we visited the MARQ, el Museo Arqueológico de Alicante, where students explored and discovered the past through unique artifacts. We even got to explore a special temporary exhibit about the Mayans.

Yesterday, we got a personalized tour of all of the hidden historical gems scattered throughout Alicante, including la Explanada, the cathedral, different government buildings, and a visit to los Pozos de Garrigós. Los Pozos de Garrigós are old wells that were used during the 16th century and later as shelters during the Spanish Civil War.



It was really neat for the students to learn about the history and importance of the buildings around Alicante that some of them pass by every single day.

There always seems to be something new to learn and discover and the students seem to have a great time doing it!

¡Hasta pronto!

- Sam