More city exploration and a ghost tour

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Global Entrepreneurship

It's a busy week for our global entrepreneurs as they soak up the last few days of their time in Dublin.  We spent the morning in class presenting our pitches for Bohemians F.C. and then enjoyed a little free time to explore the city centre in small groups.  Some students finally worked on their souvenir shopping while others explore new museums and areas of the city that we haven't had a chance to see much of yet.  One group had a great time getting lost (literally) in the expansive National Gallery of Ireland.  

For our evening activity with the group, we boarded a haunted bus for a ghost tour of Dublin.  Students heard many spooky historical tales and we stopped to explore some of the most haunted locations in Dublin: the City Wall of Dublin, Kilmainham Gaol, and Glassnevin Cemetery.  After experiencing the ride first-hand, our entrepreneurs also got to hear a bit about the origins of the business from our driver.  Tourism is an extremely important aspect of the Irish economy, so it has been great to hear about the experiences of so many local business owners who are involved in this field. 

Later in the week, we will be finishing up our biz box projects and fitting in a few more cultural experiences, so stay tuned for the last few updates before we sadly return home this Saturday.