Monday Funday

Following a fun filled weekend, it was back to work first thing Monday morning. Students picked a card and were randomly assigned to teams for their final business plan pitch. Topics are :Food items, souvenirs and 1/2 day tourist experiences.

Then the work began! Student teams spent several hours brainstorming ideas for products or services to be offered in Southern Maine. 

Work ended a bit earlier on Monday so students could get ready for the Portland SeaDogs game! Earlier in the day, instructors announced the 1st weeks Most Valuable Players, who would pitch the 1st balls at the Sea Dogs game. The criteria for being named MVP was consistent team and class participation; respectful of other team and class members; contributions to team and group work; a positive and enthusiastic attitude and serious work ethic. The students selected, Maija, Roberts and Oskars, were honored at the baseball game!

Students and staff had a fun filled time at the game, even though the Sea Dogs lost by one run! 

Tuesday, work begins on defining customers and developing surveys for Wednesday's trip to Portland to gather data.

Beth Richardson, Instructor