A Long Walk... for Breakfast!

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Leadership & Service Through Mandela's Example

Yesterday, we started the day off by going to language class to learn Afrikaans and Xhosa, and we began practicing our dialects to present on Wednesday. We then followed up our class with a visit to St. Rafael's with a quick lunch in the van and we got to partake in teaching and observing some of the classes. The children had a multitude of questions for us and it was interesting engaging in such advanced conversations. They were also very inviting and warm towards us being there and made us feel welcome! It was hard to part ways, but knowing that we were able to come back to paint next week made it a little easier.

Following that experience, we embarked on a team building exercise where we had to complete a multitude of puzzles and decipher clues in order to escape the room. To continue the fun, we ended the day at the mall where we shopped until dinner at an Italian restaurant for pizza. 

Today we had a bright and early start, beginning with a hike to the top of Campus Hill where we enjoyed a nice assortment of pastries and coffee. The hike wasn't easy, but as you can see it was worth it! After breakfast, we had a debrief on sympathy and empathy followed by three activities.

After a long morning, we headed down to the UCT campus store where we purchased school wear, and had noodles back at the dorms for lunch. Then we went to  nearby high school to bond and meet the students to prepare for our brie (barbecue) with them tomorrow night. Our preparation included a dance off and sing off that featured our leaders. After a long strenuous day, we headed back to our dorms and had enchiladas for dinner. It was so yummy! Can't wait for our day tomorrow, signing off.


Alice and Siena